Hello Friends

My it’s been a long time since our last newsletter hit the streets.  The reason is we’ve been going through the financial grinder for the past year.  Our bus’ engine blew up last June, then the transmission had to be replaced in September, and all this on top of keeping up with the monthly payments.  Now she’s in pretty good shape and we’ve made our last 2 tours with out any problems.  Hallelujah!  There are some things that are still needed in the near future though like shocks and tires.
We have some great news for many that have been concerned for us.  We have finally been granted our non-profit status by the IRS.  This now means that all donations to this ministry are fully tax deductible.  We have been trying to do a new recording for the last two years and many things have stopped us from completing it.  Many of our friends are requesting the new material and we are feeling the obligation to get it completed.  We were able to get back into the studio in March and got about ¾ of the way through the recording part of the project and ran out of money.  It’s going to take about another $5,000 to complete the project.
It’s going to be hard to condense a years worth of news into the space allotted but here goes.  Our tour last May was great success (except for the bus break down) and we made many new friends and contacts.  We had to slow down in July though when Bill became seriously ill but he has recovered nicely.  We’ve had many fruitful revivals in last few months resulting in many lives saved and healed, churches set on fire for God and excitement brewing everywhere!
We made another tour through the south in October even though we were a little short handed.  Stephen (our Drummer) was not able to make the trip and Terry was unable to get time off from school and couldn’t go.  So Bill, Mark and myself (Ken), made the trip anyway and we had a blast.  It always seems that the last service on a tour is the reason for the whole trip.  God began to move in a very special way and His Spirit was evident when one of the members of the church witnessed a fog in the sanctuary.  Many have seen this kind of thing and attribute this to the presence of God.  A young lady who was deeply involved in witchcraft and Satanism cam forward for prayer and after some diligent battling we got the victory and she was delivered from the enemies clutches.  Glory be to God.
In November, we picked up a young man by the name of Jeff Johnson to play the drums while Stephen stepped away.  He’s been a real asset to the ministry.  Through the winter months we stayed fairly busy here in California especially with the recording.  We got Stephen to make the April tour since Jeff couldn’t get time off from work.  Jeff has since began working to setup a new group with an old friend of his from Michigan and is no longer with us.  We are looking for a good pianist to our area that will be willing to work with us.  If you know of someone, have them give us a call.
Without adequate finances, discouragement set in and we were about ready to hang things up.  We kept our commitment to the Great Western Quartet Convention in May and the WSGMA Memorial day Concert.  It was during these events that many of our friends came to encourage us and lift us up and help us to ounce again realize who the real enemy is and that we cannot give up on what God has ordained.  Be in prayer with us will you?
As of this writing the only long distance tour on our books will be in October when we are scheduled for the “Suwannee River Jubilee” with The Dixie Echoes and The Florida Boys.  Be sure to check the schedule and look for us the next time we’re in your area.  We’re always glad to see all our friends everywhere we go.

God Bless and Keep You!!

First Published for The Lighthouse Boys Mailing List June, 1997

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