Hello again everyone:
My how time flies when you’re having fun. It’s been a long stretch since our last newsletter and some of you have expressed concern, but we’re still here and still working hard for the Lord. So let’s bring you up to date on a few things.
The bus broke down in November just as our schedule lightened up for the holidays, so it stayed in the shop until mid January. It still needs some more shop time and parts in order to get it back into top shape.
A lot of people have been asking about our new recording project. It has been put on hold for the time being, pending finances.
Our song, Midnight Cry has been getting air play on many radio stations around the country and several have us in top 20 on their chars. Praise the Lord. It’s been played in Southern Gospel and Contemporary formats. We’ve also received some information that if the song continues to do well and makes it into the top 20 on national charts, there is a good chance we could land a recording contract with a major label, and that folks is very good news! We are literally bouncing off the walls with glee over this one!
Terry and his wife Denise, were recently involved in an auto accident when a cement truck tried to run over them on a rainy day. The car was totaled, but God brought them through with only minor bumps and bruises.
We’re in the final stages of planning our trip in May. We will be visiting the great southern states from Arizona to Alabama and back. We feel strongly that God is steadily preparing us for full-time ministry again. In the early days of this ministry it was not difficult to do because all but one of us were single. Now we all have families to support and it’s not an easy step to take. We have faith that when God’s timing is right, the support will be there for us and we’ll be able to focus all our energy toward full time ministry. Would you be in prayer with us concerning this matter? Thank You!
Let me pause here just a moment to give a great big salute to Dan Hunter of The Crownsmen. There have been many times when this ministry was in trouble and Dan came to our rescue. Whether it be words of encouragement, use of the facilities at his home or carting us around in his bus, Dan has been there for us and many others and we pray that God will richly bless him for his love and faithfulness. God Bless You, Dan.
Needless to say, we are staying very busy this year and we hope to see all of you soon. So until we do see you may God richly bless and keep you and yours. TLB
First Published for The Lighthouse Boys Mailing List February 1996
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